ok i have had limewire for almost a month now and i am impressed that it is good and dosen't give me viruses???? i check it with my antivirus a lot... Is kazaA beteter and safer than limewire what do you think anyone??
I got a question what website does anyone recommend that detects and deletes viruses online for free of charge
And my last question is which free antivrus is better, avg free, active virus shield form aol free, and last avast free, are these antivirus programs good???? i have avg free so i am asking because i a not sure .. if there are any better ones please tell me because i am confused

rite now adn what good free firewalls are there i have zonealarm.
Before these progrmas i had etrust and it got me mad becuase it never said i had a virus when i did because my computer was going slow when i did not have limewire or any other program and when i scanned it online i did have a virus so that is why i deleted it and got free anti virus programs that are better.