hope the dogs have a good time on their travels with lots of treats!
So what does a dvd smell like?!?
These forecast lossed profits are a balloon fart! Most organisations inflate their forecast "profits" to please their investors & shareholders. That includes the MPAA, etc. But they don't take into consideration online purchasing of products such as through legitimate video & audio purchases online. They refer to hard copy sales. But the fact is, in today's world more & more people are buying products online & that includes audio & video. I don't think iTunes, etc. would have made the major move to video online sales in cooperation with disney unless there was obvious signs of profit from it. And iTunes had already trialled out video sales for iPod.
Like a doggy treat. Hey fill your hand baggage with dog treats. lol
Here Rover, here Flo, here Lucky, get your treat. A doggy treat coated dvd.