Hi sleepless...
Thanks for your swift reply, the reason I ask is that I've been offline for a couple of months and only just got back to find my edonkey client had shut down, I don't know if you are familiar with the donkey client, but you could search within it as you do with "Ares" and "Limewire" but also you could d/l from web sites such as shareprovider...sharevirus.etc.etc with the added value that they would be vetted for viruses and also they where more informative than just searching from within the "Ares" and "limewire" clients that I have now.
I found "Ares" to be quite fast on the d/l speeds but the first 2 .avi's I d/l weren't what they said they were. And the first 2 files I d/l with "Limewire"....mp3 and .wma... And the .wma file was a virus...
So I suppose I need to know what p2p client will let you do as I've said?