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Old October 9th, 2006
priapos priapos is offline
Join Date: October 7th, 2006
Posts: 5
priapos is flying high
Default lets see

Thanx for the advice birdy. I will install latest Java. I understand your concerns about the router settting, however keep in mind that I didn't change these and the whole thing happened out of the blue, so it cannot be the router. IF it would be the router (needed lets say port forwarding) then it would not even connect at all. I think it may be possible that the ISP is putting a limit. I am wondering if they have the right to do this!

Anyway...I ll try to install latest Java and I may give them a call to see what's happening.

thanx again for your help


PS: I would never imply that you are nosy I just don't want to share this info with hundreds of people. I would not mind sending it just to you but I am new to this forum and I don't know how to send a PM. IF you have a list with ISPs that have restricted access to P2P then I can send you my ISP.
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