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Old October 9th, 2006
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default ISPs


First of all, I don't understand why you should be worried if people of this forum knows your ISP because your identity cannot be discovered purely by knowing your ISP. If anybody wants to know who you are, via your ISP, they will have to get a court order, warrant or some other legal instrument.

You probably don’t know this but ISPs throughout the US and UK are increasingly turning to anti-P2P techniques (aka Bandwidth Shaping) to curb their customers use of P2P applications. I, like you, found that one day I could download at a fairly good speed (in the region of 50kbs to 150kbs) then the next day I found I could no longer download any video clips, I could still download the odd MP3 but video clips were out.

I found out, via the internet, that my ISP, at the time was Virgin, had introduced “Bandwidth Shaping” and, what’s worse, made no public announcement or any indication that they had done this. And what I found so despicable, they would not admit it even though I had phoned and emailed them, they answered my other questions but on “Bandwidth Shaping” they were silent.

If you check through this forum you will lots of people that now find that their ISPs have suddenly introduced anti-P2P measures without warning. I guess your ISP has now joined the ranks of the Anti-P2P ISPs

UK Bob
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