Thanks hobo et. al. for info,yes I understand that part files are downloaded from each host, to make up the complete file, recently i've had 8 or so requests from same address for the one file ,(as ive been allowing far to many per person) ie same host uploading 4/5 bits of the same file( Yes i was allowing too many slots)
Have now adjusted no's accordingly,thankyou ALL for info, most usefull, my inexpierience must have been taken as Greed by quite a few !! so am adjusting my Dload policy as well !!
Please can you confirm that over time I can return to hosts repeatedly, unless they take an instant dislike to my cyberpersona ! ie no set limit on hosts,so maybe 1or 2 files one day and same a few days later? Noted hobo about queing 50, nice one!
Yours slightly better informed now, newbee.

PS Still think the network would be better if slots were set higher !
This is a delicate balancing act isn;t it ! share too many ,risk of prosecution,share too few,become freeloader ! upload and Download balancing,etc.. for the newbee it's more like ''Highwire'' than Limewire ! But thanks ALL for help.Might be able to walk upright soon!