what about mactella? thanks for the advice. I guess I'm just plain stuffed as far as using limewire is concerned... any idea whether mactella would be any different: I know it uses gnutella network as well but could it use a different port, or is it possible to designate another? what really bugs me is that I used to use aimster- the one and only engine I've been able to get to work so far (know any others?). Apart from being unbelievably inefficient (perhaps due to the firewall thing...) it did work, but is now being sued by AOL or someone and so has had to change both its name and the network, both of which it has done with total disregard for anyone with a mac. it seems that downloading stuff from the internet isn't something I'm going to be doing a lot of from now on. I almost wish I had a PC like everyone else using morpheus (I said ALMOST!). Anyway, what happened to that great creative streak all mac users are supposed to have? I guess none of them are into designing software for downloading mp3s and the like. too bad, sure seems to be a market...
all the best.
bunjin |