If your files are being shared with LW, they're being shared on Gnutella. But it doesn't mean that every single person using a Gnutella client (at the time you're online) will be able to find your file in a search. Your searches can only take you so far, depending on the ultrapeers/peers you're connected to at the time & who they in turn are connected to...and so on. I tend to see mainly LW ultrapeers/peers & I assume it's the same for the different clients (ie BearShare would see more BS u/ps, Raza would see more Raza u/ps etc).
Clicking on the Connections tab will show you which ultrapeers you're connected to. You can change ultrapeers (right click > remove, a new ultrapeer will replace the removed one) & this will often change the results that you see in searches. Because the new u/p is connected to other new u/ps...you get the picture! So it might take some time for some users to see your files in a search...depending on who else they're connected to.
Did you try direct connecting & browsing each others' files? Sounds like your setup is all good & if you were able to see the files when browsing, I think you'll just have to trust that they're out there & available to the punters.
I can't really explain the workings of the network too well

, someone like
stief could explain it much better!!