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Old October 20th, 2006
DamonHoppe DamonHoppe is offline
Join Date: October 18th, 2006
Posts: 5
DamonHoppe is flying high
Default Update and Clarification

From my previous message I think people got the impression I said ALL the files started from their previous states alas it was only some....

To clraifiy. The following file behviour has been observed to varying degress...depending on how corrupted the files have become....

1) In some cases I am lucky...(not in enopugh cases for me to have much confideance in the software as my preferred fileshare tool)...The file reports 0% for a few moments and then jumps to its previous level.

2) In some cases...far to many for my liking...the file reports 0% downloads to about 2% then resets to 0% and starts from scratch...The 40%+ previous Progress is completly lost

3) In some cases, the file continues to download to 100% and then gets stuck never completing....Exiting and reentering Limewire causes them to reset to 99% and the majority continue from there....

4) In only a few cases a file was completly corrupted and could not be restarted in any shape or form...It had to be deleted so that I could begin the download again from scratch...

5) The extent of the curroption...The files that are most curropted are those that I was downloading at the time...However the fact that it affects every other file (i.e. not downloading/uploading) is a bit of a smack in the face...

Given the regulairty in which the program has crashed on me I am currently on the look out for a recommend alternative...I had previously been using ED2K with no problems what so ever,....

Incidently from my experience NEVER leave limwire in the background if you wish to run ANY full screen program...It has crashed 100% of the time!!!! Unfortuntly this is my preferred method of use, leave my downloads runnign in the background while I play a game....Hence my search for a better program...I am about to try using Gnucelus....

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