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Old October 21st, 2006
eskimosound eskimosound is offline
Join Date: September 11th, 2006
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eskimosound is flying high
Default Nero Prefered player for LW

Hi guys, try as I might I cannot stop Nero being the player for lime wire. I'm sure there is a setting somewhere but I cant find it. I have Nero 7 and cant find the preferences (or the preferences I have found do not cover what it plays). Usually when installing a new player it will let you set what it plays but not nero. It has taken over all limewire files and I wouldn't mind except it cannot play a preview so I don't know what I'm downloading. The settings in LW don't seem to do much they never changed anything when the Windows player played the files. Any ideas, it's probably a regedit thing is it?
Stuck and bewildered
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