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Old October 21st, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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In reply to your Personal Message, your issue seems to be your ISP, Plusnet. They're discussed in 2 posts here ISP's known to BLOCK or Filter p2p or specifically Limewire. Both posts are on page 1. Plusnet apparently block ports.

Repeat of pm:

After investigating your modem, I awoke to the probable cause. Your isp. See

So try going to LW's preferences, Advanced>Firewalls & change the listening port to a high one between 49152 - 65535. Try port 64049. You should restart LW after making the change. Let us know how it goes.

Oh & it might be wise to change connection port also. If you're not sure where to find this option, see Manual port forward instructions & sample image but ignore the manual port forwarding.

Oh I forgot to mention, you will need to add the new port number in your OSX firewall. Sorry I said LimeWIre but you're using FrostWire aren't you. Same thing. (almost)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 21st, 2006 at 11:08 AM.
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