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Old October 23rd, 2006
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Sleepless Sleepless is offline
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To ellaborate on that, this is not the official Limewire Help Forum. There is no official forum, only tech support by email.

The most likely reason that noone has answered yet is your connection (Sattelite). Noone here uses that and from what I hear, those ISP's that offer sattelite don't like Limewire very much.

Another reason could be some sort of blocking program on your PC. Even PeerGuardian2 may be a culprit in some cases, but usually not when there is no other firewall running.

Try Googling your ISP for similar cases or search here for other threads involving sattelite. Just search for the word sattelite or satelite

Here's one example and there are a lot more like it:

Last edited by Sleepless; October 23rd, 2006 at 08:22 PM.
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