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Old January 23rd, 2002
micahd micahd is offline
Join Date: January 21st, 2002
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Default More clues to the type question

After reading the recent posts, I think I can say that the hook file type is what is causing my particular download problems.

Every single one of my working, easily playable mp3s seems to have been converted by Soundjam to type mpg3, creator=sjam either during some sort of setup or as it was played.

Using iChange, I can see that downloading files are type=mpg3, creator=sjam while they download. When they're finished downloading, Limewire moves them to a different folder, and they magically become type=mpg3, creator code=hook.

I tried adding entries to the file exchange control panel for this hook creator code, but the required info doesn't match up with "type" and "creator."
The file exchange control panel asks for extension (I assume this=mp3), name (?), and mime type (?). Can anyone help match these up? Does this seem like it would help recognize the "hook" type for those of us that don't have iTunes installed?

I didn't have this issue before I recently installed both QT 5 and Limewire 2.11 Pro. So I may try reinstalling Soundjam now and see if that helps things...

And afisk -- the option to set the creator code sounds GREAT. So valuable to have you on this list.


Originally posted by afisk
Forgive my ignorance, but does setting the creator code to "hook" for mp3 files (which we do) associate it with QuickTime in some way? I'm still a bit confused on exactly how Mac OS handles creator codes, which has been more cumbersome given the lack of almost any good programming books for the Mac. Any help would be appreciated!!

If you have a good idea on how to solve this one, I'll just go ahead and implement it. I could, for example, have an option in the Options window to set the Creator code for various file types. How does that sound?
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