go to
http://www.dslreports.com/stest and run a couple of speed tests from different sites, without Limewire running.
First note that 1 Kilobyte per second KBps is equivalent to 8 Kilobits per second kbps
You will get a speed as let's say 800 kilobits per second kbps, which is equivalent to a download speed of 100kyloBYTES per second (divide by 8) Kilobytes is the speed you see in your download window.
Your speed test should show about 96-120 kbps which would be a fast modem connection. If it shows more, then you may need to make some adjustments.
Personally I have a speed which should give me about 50 KBps, but I usually get a lot less than that downloading mp3s from 1 or 2 hosts, since I can only download at the speed the other hosts upload.
Let us know how this goes for starters