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Old October 28th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Dig It
This is where it all derails: Ultra peers tend to be unstable (holding on to them);4 star search items of 100mb with up to say 80-90 hosts @T3 or better either just hang on 'connecting....' or 'waiting count down...' only to crap out with that silly 'awaiting sources' come back.

Now, I know your wondering....? I'll search and find whatever I want with nice prime results. Lets say, 10 files; @50megs; with 100 sources 'each'; with 4 Star T3 connections, yadda yadda. I may get one of those in one day. That's as apposed before with 20 times the data or more in one hour.
Forgive me if I've misunderstood your post here, but it sounds like you're the victim of the fake files that are flooding the network (you don't mention fake files, so I don't know if you're aware of this problem).

The search item may have 4 stars, it may have heaps of hosts (Danger, Will Robinson!!!!) but if it hangs on connecting then needs more sources, counts down, doesn't find them...sounds like fakes to me. And being able to download a file one week successfully, then being unable to download a file the next week is typical of this problem. As time goes by, the network is flooded with more of this crap. The golden rule these days is to stay away from the files with lots & lots of hosts. The links that 6_pac left have good info & tips to help.
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