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  #428 (permalink)  
Old October 28th, 2006
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Originally Posted by nielkmot
i *thought* that the option to sort search results by file size used to work correctly, but the current version (4.12.6) gets mixed up with KB and MB, and so smaller files (e.g. 1,234 KB) will sort ahead of bigger files (e.g. 123 MB). (i'm using limewire 4.12.6 on mac os x 10.4, by the way.)
Perhaps you're not double-clicking the size column & only clicking it once (only clicking it once will arrange largest files at bottom & smallest at top); Arrange search results by size (click on link). I also use LW 4.12.6 in OSX 10.4 & it works fine for me. I use it all the time. It also works fine in the download window.

Feature Requests-size-arrangement.png
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