Thread: No uploads
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Old October 28th, 2006
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Default No uploads

I don't have a brick wall anymore. And people can direct connect to me. But people can't download from me. My sister tried over the phone with me. It would say needs more sources. She said that. Is there some way to fix this? I hope so. I would really appreciate it. Oh yeah. I am a shared internet computer. With a Us robotics usb router. The model is in the USR8054 series. The one you put in a USB for wireless internet. I have a Cable connection through the ISP Comcast. I tried all the suggestions. And I am open to more. As long as they fix the problem. I tried ethernet when i first was introduced to limewire. And that didn't help. And I can't do it anymore. My cousin took out the thing to plug in the ethernet wire. I will call him and he can put it back in when I see him next time.

Last edited by garbagefan2; October 28th, 2006 at 09:34 PM.
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