Thread: Good God
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Old November 2nd, 2006
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Then try the other one. I've heard the other free one is better. Restoration (click on link). However it depends upon a number of things. Such as if you've saved or resaved files/new files on that same partition/HDD. If you have then that may have written over the skeleton parts of the files that you deleted. So 1st thing is to stop all processes from writing to that partition until you start using a file recovery program. I think you'll find it says the same thing in the program manual.

If you can't recover, then start from scratch. And keep your files backed up if possible. If you're brave, then try the LW beta just released a couple of days ago. 1st release of any type in a several months. So far feedback has been very good about it. It can also download bit torrent files which is the first time ever for LW. To see what it can do & its improvements, see
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