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Old November 3rd, 2006
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Originally Posted by Dr. Doom
I'm trying to download a file really fast and it has over 500 users, but the **** thing is only going at 21 fricking KB/s!
You mean over 500 hosts showed up in the search, but how many are you "actually" downloading from? (there's a maximum no. of how many you can download from at one time.) A % of those you won't connect to because they are busy or just difficult to connect to. Keep in mind some of these hosts may be offering partial sharing, so they don't have the whole of the file themselves. They just share portions of it as they are downloading the file themselves but might not be still actively downlding it at that time. So they'll drop off over time. Some of those sharing the file may be modem dial up users, so you may only get a fraction of speed from each.

Search the topic periodically so you can try to find more sources. Browse hosts. This can sometimes result in finding the extra odd source.

Sharing similar material helps. I'm not a high speed user so I can't advise on optimal settings for high speed users.
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