ok, i found the best way to fix it.
To solve the problem we have to run the "runLime.sh" file with Bash.
how to do it easly ?
editing the file itself doesn't work for me... and editing this file may be dangerous for non-expert users.
The question is, if the launcher is runLime.sh, what do we execute when we run the "limewire" command ?
response : /usr/bin/limewire
what is it in this file ??
cd /usr/lib/LimeWire
sh ./runLime.sh
Nothing Else.
So this /usr/bin/limewire is just a link to execute /usr/lib/Limewire/runLime.sh
and we want to execute this runLime.sh with bash.
To do so, just remplace "sh ./runLime.sh" by "bash ./runLime.sh"
then, your /usr/bin/limewire file is :
cd /usr/lib/LimeWire
bash ./runLime.sh
and it works fine
I don't think there is an easier way.