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Old January 25th, 2002
efield efield is offline
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Default Re: More clues to the type question

Thanks, candyangel.

Originally posted by micahd
... I tried adding entries to the file exchange control panel for this hook creator code, but the required info doesn't match up with "type" and "creator."
The file exchange control panel asks for extension (I assume this=mp3), name (?), and mime type (?). Can anyone help match these up? Does this seem like it would help recognize the "hook" type for those of us that don't have iTunes installed? ...
The File Exchange control panel is the place to do it. Make a file with a creator code of 'hook' and a type code of 'Mp3 ' using one of the type and creator code applications such as FileTyper. These codes are case sensitive and always four characters so this type code ends with a space. There are two tabs in the File Exchange CP and here you want to work from the File Translation tab. Click Add... at the bottom of the window and pick the file that you set the codes too. Another dialog will display with applications that can play MP3s such as QuickTime Player or Audion. Soundjam should be in this list too. Select an app and now files of that type open with the selected app.

A note that a creator code of 'hook' and a type code of 'mpg3' didn't work; I got an error that no application could handle this file type. If Soundjam is doing this I wonder what they're up to.

I tested this on OS 9.1 with QuickTime 4.
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