File Size and Type Filter When I try downloading files, I get over 100 junk files before I ever get the one I am looking for. They usualy are (750.6 KB, 262.5 KB, 228.0 KB, 197.7 KB, and some smaller.) The real files I download are usually at least 10 times this size, and often, over 100 times this size.
Most of these little files that claim to be larger files tend to be nothing more than malware (usually viruses).
I would love nothing more than to be able to filter search results based on file size. I believe I would always have mine set to well over 1 MB.
I would also like the ability to filter based on file type. Sometimes I look for certain files that need to be only text (I think most people reading this would know what they are) and I get executables or compressed files (ZIP and RAR). These files subject me to needless risk as well.
Any infomation regarding plans to add these features in the future would be very appreciated. |