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Old November 6th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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That was a legitimate question to ask because there are a lot of people who google LW & end up at scam sites because such sites pay google to advertise their sites ... sponsored results. So we always ask that question 1st. But instead of answering the question in a reasonable fashion, you insult, then turn on the forums. As mentioned above, most questions on this forum have been asked before, so if you searched your problem you would probably find an answer to it. But it's obvious you're a lazy sod, doesn't care about forum rules which you agreed to at the point of signing up to the forums, doesn't take advice & want to shoot down the world. Well I repeat ... good luck with finding help elsewhere. And you've been rewarded for being such as azzhole. Farewell mr. anti forum member. :ame: