I can hardly believe this, but last night I put an old version of limewire 4.0.4 pro, I think it was onto my external hard drive and it worked!! No probs. I was so excited I down loaded for awhile using it attached to my old powerbook and at the same time worked on my movie problem on my iMac.
So..... nothing can be wrong with the router, surely.
To answer your questions. I have had this router for about 2 years, and I have voip node phone connected to it, had some trouble when I set that up about 6 months ago, but once I upgraded the firmware all was well.
When you say by-pass the linksys device do you mean go dial up?
So where do I stand now. I can't use limewire on either my powerbook or iMac. Should I delete what I have and try to install this old copy I have on a cd, I must have put it there for safe keeping. I found it by mistake when I was looking for slick to reinstall for imovie.
Maybe you want to give me the flick now that I have LW running on something. BUT I really would like it to work on the iMac. Have you any other suggestions at all. I have taken screen shots of all my settings on the external and am about to check the ones on my iMac.
Thanks for your time and your help.
Bad luck an Aussie didn't win yesterday, not that I take any notice, couldn't help but find out the result on the news!!! |