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Old January 26th, 2002
micahd micahd is offline
Join Date: January 21st, 2002
Posts: 3
micahd is flying high

Thanks, unregistered --
Go ahead and give me the German, maybe it'll help. I speak only limited terrible Deutsch, but maybe I can find my dictionary somewhere. Also, I tried searching the Mac help system for file exchange and got instrux re: using the control panel, but I can't find any instrux re: adding apps to the window.

But I did have some luck -- I deleted the prefs file for SoundJam, restarted, and re-ran the initial setup for SJ, choosing to have SJ handle all MP3s. Then I rebuilt the desktop, which finally allowed SJ to show up in the File Exchange dialog box that efield mentioned. Seems that installing the app is the only way to get it "recognized"?

So now the files are easier to open -- the dialog box pops up each time I dbl-click on an mp3 downloaded from LW, and it has SJ listed as a choice. But the files retain their creator=hook until I filetype them into submission.

I'd say that's as far as I can go until afisk codes the creator choice into a future release of LW.

...Or until I decide to use iTunes. Which reminds me -- does iTunes interface with Toast? It's convenient that in SJ, you can create a playlist, hit "make CD," and transfer all the info into Toast ready to burn. Can iTunes do this? Couldn't find the answer at

Thx all,
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