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Old November 8th, 2006
Warren Peace Warren Peace is offline
Join Date: November 8th, 2006
Location: Canada
Posts: 8
Warren Peace is flying high

Originally Posted by help09876
The question is, how do we stop it?

I fully agree with you that this is something that needs to be addressed. I have contacted my local police office whenever I received spam e-mails that contained lewd photographs of minors, or links to websites that may contain the same.

Many law enforcement branches either have officers that work on various forms of Internet-based crime, or they may have a s3x-crimes unit that would investigate Internet-based s3x crimes. If they don't have either at their detachment, then they would likely forward such complaints to provincial/state or federal authorities.

Just like with any type of crime, your best measure is contacting local law enforcement and leave it in their hands to investigate these kinds of crimes.

On another front, I'm not so sure that the P2P provider should be held responsible. However if they knowingly allow child pornography to be shared, then they should be responsible for contacting their local authorities to report such matters.

I do not believe that P2P providers should instantly ban or discipline users. We are all innocent until proven guilty, and in some of the spam cases that I have reported, the authorities found that the "teeny-boppers" were actually deemed to be over 18, despite looking many years younger in some cases.

Take care...
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