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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 9th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Try varying your search techniques. Although audio search is most recommended, sometimes doing an All Types search can also be very effective. When the results come in, click on audio to filter out the other results. Vary your search title ... be imaginative. And if you find one that has something similar, then attempt to browse them. I use browse & direct connect all the time & get new results & extra sources for what I'm looking for be it specifically or generally what I'm looking for.

There are some days or perhaps a whole week when searching results are crappy. But it won't always be like that. Also, it can be related to ultrapeers you are connected to. So some people will disconnect, wait a few mins & reconnect, or wait a few hours & then reconnect. That's because there's a good chance you can connect to better ultrapeers who are connected to good sources, or/& different people are online. The people online changes all the time. People come & go. Also, those that spam fakes also don't work 24 hrs a day.
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