Ok...6 that was alot of help. I aint being sarcastic. but still, to no avail. im not sure what is wrong. Here are some more lovely pics. The first one, is the window that comes up after clicking explore. The red circle, is the program i get EVERY time i download ANY program, and the blue one is a folder that suposedly has the prgoram in it.
This next one is the red circled on, opened up. S*d*k*? wtf would i want that for?
And this last one, (blue circled) wants me to install something by the name of "advertisemen." Uhh...no. Oh, and it doesnt seem to remove itself from computer when you click on it from "add/remove program list. It says it has to restart computer, so it does, but the program is still there. Ok...If anyone can help, it'd be greatly appreciated. 6_pac thanks for the help.
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