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Old November 11th, 2006
DontTouchTheDoor DontTouchTheDoor is offline
Join Date: November 11th, 2006
Posts: 2
DontTouchTheDoor is flying high
Default 97 "people" have the file I want but I can't download it? Need more sources?

Everytime I try and download a movie or a mp3 that alot of people are listed as having- I never, ever, ever can. It's amazing- anytime more than say 11 people are listed as having a file I want- that means I'm not able to download it.

all listed as available from dozens if not hundreds of people, but I have never, ever once gotten 1k of this movie after several months of trying.

and there's several files all listed as being available from 50, 60, 90, etc.. people- but I can never get a file to even start downloading 1k- "need more sources" is all I get. How many more f'ing sources do I need? What's the deal?

If I try and download a file that 5 or 6 people have- then I am usually all set, but if more than 12 people have it, I'm screwed- no matter what the file is.

Also, I paid to register Limewire Pro- and I don't notice 1 bit of difference- faster downloads?? I don't see any speed increase. Better search results?- not here. What are these guys talking about?

Limewire is awesome- but I honestly don't think you get anything but a new skin for $20

Please tell me I'm wrong.

Last edited by DontTouchTheDoor; November 14th, 2006 at 10:12 AM.
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