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Old November 11th, 2006
taurbull taurbull is offline
Join Date: November 6th, 2006
Posts: 8
taurbull is flying high
Default Help with question on where the files etc are stored on my PC

I have only just started using Limewire, and have a questions I'd like to ask members please.

I am only using the free Limewire service and not the 'Pro' one. What I want to know is whenever I download a movie clip/full length movie, does the file just stay in my Limewire software, or does it also download onto my PC?
For example, I can see the audio and video files that I have downloaded in the window at the bottom, but they do not show up in My Documents, Shared Documents etc, at least not as far as I can see. Can someone please tell me where, if anywhere I can locate and see these files please?

Also, if I ever decided to quit Limewire, would the files I have downloaded still be on my PC?

I would appreciate any help that any members could give me on this, thanks.
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