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Old November 14th, 2006
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Sleepless Sleepless is offline
Join Date: January 1st, 2006
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Posts: 3,121
Sleepless is just really nice

What would you be paying for?

Found in fineprint on some of those sites (and they are all alike)

Share Responsibly: In our members area you will find all the tools you need to download and burn video files including open source as well as proprietary file-sharing software [Like Limewire, Frostwire, Phex and others?]. Purchase of a membership, however, is not a license to upload or download copyright material. We do not condone copyright infringement and we urge you to respect the copyright laws of your Country. Click here to learn more Legal.

Lets just include the rest, so everyoneone can see for them selves

So if anyone wants to give those scam-artists money for something you get for free already then so be it.
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