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Old January 28th, 2002
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KathW KathW is offline
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Join Date: June 23rd, 2001
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This is a recent problem for LW.

I usually move my files around on my HD when LW isn't running. But recently some people are experiencing difficulties even doing this.

Idea from Mental Morris – Files that won’t delete

These are special files(encoded) so they cannot be renamed or deleted.Sometimes they have very unsavoury file names that look bad!
But you can always get around!

1.Any Mp3 like this, you have to play on your desktop player while recording a copy of it live with the windows Wave recorder.Then rename that new file to your liking.Create a new folder and drag the undeltable file into the new folder.Then delete the new folder.Folders can always be deleted including all their contents.

2.If its a Mpeg open it in something like paint shop pro 7 anamations and then save it as a large gif file of your liking.Again drag the undeletable file into a new folder and delete!

Also this from Brian

I found a simple way to get rid of unwanted files - use an Uninstaller program. One that works great and you can try for free is put out by McAfee. Their address is: I suppose the whole idea of the Gnutella network is to share files and I suppose I should put my copy of the program up there - once I figure out how!

Don't know if this helps at all
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