Thanks Hobo! any help to push this subject faward would be most welcomed
by many,Im sure.
Im not trying to dent LimeWires proffits by this offer, Just give back the option to chat, to those like me that find chat verry usfull.
If turning off chat is ment to get more people on to the forums,then it will fail.
The reason why not many come to the forums is because Half dont know what {Forum} is. let alone find them Hidden in the tab Help.
Why not put a clear tab with {See what others say about L/W} ok thats lame, Somthing catchy you get the drift.
PS. My chat on 4.10.9 works 95% if icon is present. {Not including 4.12.6.}
__________________ mickjapa108
Last edited by mickjapa108; November 18th, 2006 at 07:47 AM.