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Old November 18th, 2006
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Knowing which processor you have would be interesting as well as your OS and Java version. With Macs in general the Java is not perfect and after a lot of downloading things tend to grind to a halt. The Virtual memory gets pretty high. It is helpful to discard unwanted incompletes. Not keep tabs open you don't need, and try and keep the downloads and monitor windows as clear as you can. It is a good idea also to re-boot once every 24 hours or so to get the virtual memory back to normal. You can check this out using the Apple activity monitor.

We can say a bit more if you tell us your computer details OS version processor ..Memory etc.. see Apple>about this computer, Free space on the start up disk ... this shoud be 3 or 4 GB at all times at least
and Limewire and Java details ... Limewire>about Limewire.
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