Sorry i was confused to.. i mean HASHes...
I was only wondered why using SHA1 because from my point of view i find it "too much" for the Gnutella Protocol and for the purpose that is used. I read some articles for reducing network traffic for Gnutella like (Pong/Query Hashes or Ultrapeers). These "extensions" are used to save bandwidth and speed up downloads. But implementing SHA1 is like going to the opposite direction.
I am not a Gnutella developer, although i know how to program. So i am not trying to "push" my ideas and make other developers to adopt them. I just like to discussing about an "on development" protocol like Gnutella.
gnutellafan you said that this forum is for gnutella developers wannabies well IMHO (always

) this forum is more oganized than the GDF, and i have found more information for Gnutella protocol by following the links posted in here than downloading some files from the GDF. I also dont like registering to Yahoo.
Both of you didnt answered if not using HASHes for text files is a good idea. I know that they are not too many out there downloading text files but its a possibility that it could be best to exclude.
When someone sends a query then all the other clients respond with query hits thath have HASHes inside them or you have to send a query with HASH inside to filnd alternatives?