Thanks for the invite. Actually I hinted at a possible solution above. I'm a Java developer, but my knowledge of P2P and the Gnutella network is scant. Would it be fair to say that any real solution must be in code? Anything else is a work-around (advising people to avoid 11+ connections, avoid T3, enter title or artist but never both, add a "_" character to your search string, etcetera). Work-arounds are never elegant.
Okay, first attempt off the cuff...
A dynamic and collaborative effort in compiling a shared IP blacklist, a file(s), sharing of such (optional) information occuring during initial connection handshaking and/or following any file transfer. Such a blacklist may be generated/appended to either by built in smart crawlers, and/or manual user input (all within LimeWire).
Maybe this wouldn't work. If not, tell me why. I can adapt my thinking.
Christopher. |