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Old November 20th, 2006
not a happy teddy not a happy teddy is offline
Join Date: November 20th, 2006
Posts: 3
not a happy teddy is flying high
Angry Ripped off with the keys!!!

I was well and trully ripped off. I use my pc for a spot of software developing and find my self re-installing Windows quite often. I decided to subscribe to Bear share Pro (at no point did the subscription process mention that you only get four keys per subscription). I came to re-install the other day and when I got to the part where it sked for my email ads it said that I had used all the keys for that subscription and that I needed to pay again. NOT BLOODY LIKELY!!! When I bought Windows XP and a licence I can install it as many times as I like. I still have 380 days of my suscription left so I should be able to install BearShare as many times as I like. I have contacted the support four times over the last two weeks and as of yet no reply. DON'T BUY BEARSHARE PRO!!!
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