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Old November 24th, 2006
Sn0ber1zer Sn0ber1zer is offline
Join Date: November 24th, 2006
Posts: 2
Sn0ber1zer is flying high
Default Can't download anything anymore


I've been using LimeWire for over 2 years now, but last week, something weird happened. I entered some keywords, searched for the song, and double-clicked on one of the results.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to download anything anymore. For over 3 hours, LimeWire keeps saying "Connecting (... hosts tried). The "..." is a number indicating how many hosts have failed to respond my download request.

First, I thought it was just the file that is corrupted or something, but this happens to every file I try to download, nothing works on LimeWire anymore.

Can anyone please help me? Thx for everything!

Edit: Finally, LimeWire says "Need more sources".

Last edited by Sn0ber1zer; November 24th, 2006 at 10:42 AM.
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