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  #78 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
Posts: n/a

Ok guys lets face it Child Porn is DEFINITELY illegal no doubt. But When your 15 like I am... Your hormones kick in... And looking at adult porn is kinda just wrong...Basically how you adult people think that child porn is wrong. When your a kid like me, you don't think like that... You Just Don't. I Too have downloaded child porn from lime wire... But this happen about a year ago i was searching for "regular porn" But came across something different which got me addicted. Ok Lets think of something..... a 12 year old girl... being watched by a 15 year old isent as bad as some 65 year old watching it. Minors watching Minors should be legal...Because once again when your 15..watching a girl who is 25 is just sick!!! Just like you parents think watching minors is sick..... I have friends that are addicted to it too...Its really sadd. And Just think of it...A minor going to jail for looking at minor porn??? that makes no sense.
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