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Old November 28th, 2006
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wondering why wondering why is offline
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Join Date: September 11th, 2005
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 6,677
wondering why is just really nice

Mate no offence as your just a kid, but you really need to do some research on p2p, it doesn't work like you think it does...

Also a little insight as to why decent human beings think child porn is evil...
Half of those young girls and boys you see having s*x are shot in the arm with some sort of dr*g and filmed maybe by their father or their uncle or maybe even the neighbour, or even still some low life sleeze bag that makes money off of them...they could be raped, held hostage and so and so on.....

Still think it's ok stuff do you....

If you dont live for something...
You die for nothing...
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