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Old November 30th, 2006
Deadland Deadland is offline
Join Date: November 24th, 2006
Posts: 4
Deadland is flying high
Default The saga continues ...

So the cox versus suddenlink saga in Eureka continues. I finally received a reply from suddenlink and here's what it said.

Dear Valued Suddenlink Customer:

Thank you for your inquiry. Suddenlink is committed to providing the best customer service possible.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue. Although we do not recommend the use of P2P networks the only ports we block are:
Port Transport Protocol Direction Reason for Filtering
25 TCP SMTP Both* SMTP Relays
80 TCP HTTP Inbound Web servers, worms
135 UDP NetBios Both Net Send Spam/Pop-ups, Worms
136-139UDP,TCP NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighborhood
445 TCP MS-DS/ NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighhood
1433 TCP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, Trojans
1434 UDP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, SQLslammer
1900 UDP MS-DS/ NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighborhood

(Apologies if the above info is hinky and hard to read ... can't insert the frames.)

Here's the deal though: As I was reading this e-mail Windows was updating Media Player to ver. 11.0.5721.5145 in the background. When it was done I rebooted the computer and for the hell of it launched LW. Guess what ... perfect connection. So either suddenlink did a quick shuffle (which I doubt) or it was Media Player causing issues. I'm curious to know if other suddenlink users that have updated Media Player to the newest version are still having connectivity issues.

As a said note, other than LW and Kazaa, I was also unable to connect to Blizzard's P2P update downloader for WoW (World of Warcraft). So in other words, I had an all around P2P block until now.
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