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Old February 1st, 2002
calvingrinder calvingrinder is offline
Join Date: February 1st, 2002
Location: Bucks County PA USA
Posts: 3
calvingrinder is flying high
Unhappy also having download issues with 2.1.3

My downloads are also failing with 2.1.3

lots of search results though

I am sole user, with admin privilages

sharing is on with multiple mp3's for the taking, "I am not nor have I ever been a FREELOADER."

to paraphrase somebody else:

"(1) using LimeWire 2.1.3 on Mac OS X
(2) I am behind the OS X firewall - Brickhouse activated
(3) I try not to select IPs that are red (i.e., IPs behind a firewall)
(4) I tried (and failed) to find the answer at the gnutella's forum for the answer
(5) 90-95% of the times I try to download, LimeWire tells me "Connecting to ..." and then "Could not connect". "

Using a cable modem and Comcast. MoreForUs under VPC works fine, but I'd like to stick with OS X, and can't find much Mac stuff on MoreForUs.

Before the upgrade to 2.1.3 the GUI was flakey (redraws) but I had more consistant downloads. Now the GUI's better but the downloading SUCKS.

I was going to upgrade to Pro - but will now wait for a more reliable version.

To repeat, the previous 2.x version was working great, actually got a 400mb+ download, but now can't get a simple mp3 or even 1kb files with any regular success with 2.1.3

What's going on?

(Amazon's pro forma profits last quarter were $35 million.) Amazon attributed the profit to gains in its international units (yes, Virginia, there is a global economy) and to cutting of costs in a variety of ways, including switching its servers over to Linux. (That move prompted a wonderful quote from a Microsoft spokesperson in a article: "With Linux, customers end up being in the operating systems business, managing software updates and security patches while making sure the multitude of software packages don't conflict with each other." And just how would that be different from Windows?
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