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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2002
Posts: n/a

Hi, uninstall your xolox, then go to and find their version of xolox called zpxolox. Download the zip file, then read the included readme as to how to install, you have to install it and then update it with the 2nd install file, this will make the xolox version 1.15 and have a home search page pointed to zeropaid's website. Believe me it works great! I have had it for a long time, and have converted several morpheus users. Also I would suggest tweaking xolox after install by selecting 'max' for tools/preferences/network tab. Then also make sure xolox is NOT checked to update itself; NO update since there is no more home website.
If you have trouble with connecting after all the tweaks, go to and use the gnutella connection list and type several of these IP addresses into the xolox/gnutellahost/add textbox in the preferences.
My xolox is working great and I hope others keep xolox alive. It is wonderful, has NO spyware, is small and easy to configure, does not add a bunch of crap into your puter, and does not have any advertisements or other underhanded ploys. I am a firm believer in making this application "open-source" somehow.
I scan everything I download with 2 scanners to check for virii etc. as a good safety measure.