I'm with you Yepit'sme...
I paid for the one off cost too...I'm an Ozzie so every six months I have to pay $20 ozzie dollars...I thought it was a one off fee too...
Also they did produce a CD, I have a written letter from limewire to confirm this tho I didn't buy it but just took the electronic link which now every time I want to update, I have to buy the new version...however...in March 2006, I paid another $20 and am now being told I have to pay for tech support, why do I need tech support I have you wonderful people here to help me and visa versa. But we do need the updates not upgrades but updates, so why do we have to pay for updates when most programs are free to update , even Windows gives it's users free updates, sure we have to pay for upgrades, this we all know, but updates???...does that make sense???...I have copied the notes below...I want so much to be able to understand exactly what all this means...
Q: How much does LimeWire cost?
A: LimeWire BASIC is completely free to download and use. An enhanced version of LimeWire, LimeWire PRO, is also available for
a one time charge. LimeWire PRO can be purchased as an electronic download only.
LimeWire is a software application.
The one-time payment for LimeWire PRO is a payment to purchase a copy of the program. PRO purchasers also receive Technical Support via email and up to 6 months of free updates.
You will not be charged again by Lime Wire after your initial purchase.
After 6 months, PRO users have the option to purchase an additional 6 months of technical support and free updates for a reduced price.
But to add light on the low update price is still $20...every six months...isn't it exorbinent, like cost toooo much...
Maybe I'm old and grouchie, sorry folks...
Could someone pleeeze put light on this for me...so I can understand it better...

why I have to pay six monthly for updates...thanks so much...I am not disgruntled at the program, I love LimeWire I just hate having to part with unnecessary funds...
Grumpy Lil...