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Old December 5th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
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Looks like you're looking for free advertising here; aka "spam".

Who the heck would want to convert from mp4 to mp3?

1. mp4 is a better format.

2. converting to mp3 or mp3 to mp4 will result in loss of sound quality. Both mp3 & mp4 or "lossy" sound formats which means they throw away audio information to help them convert/save.

3. We don't need people reconverting mp3 or mp4 & polluting the network with them out of pure ignorance.

4. That program costs US $25 yet, programs like iTunes & WinAmp & a few others can do it for FREE!!! No need for your trialware version either. There's lots of FREEWARE out there than can do exactly the same thing as 'your' program.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; December 5th, 2006 at 08:14 PM.