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Old December 6th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Lilmissfoxxy
D-Link says AirPlusG DWL -G122
D-link you have the option of UPnP or port forward. I don't know that model, but most d-links do better port forwarded. See the UPnP section & look for Di-Link to find out how to enable UPnP: Connection problems? Check here first! (click on link)
Originally Posted by amanda10
bigpond ... speedtouch 536
I presume you're using windows XP. If yes, make sure your XP firewall is configured to allow LW full access: Firewall configuration instructions (click on link). Your model should support UPnP. Let's hope it's a reliable implementation of UPnP. If you go here you will see UPnP option under games & sharing. If this is not the same as your model, then you may have V.5, in which case look under Thompson here for your model
Keep in mind those are port forward instructions which is the alternative to UPnP. But it does at least show you how to telnet into your device & where to find some of the options.

Modems/routers such as yours have internal NAT firewalls. UPnP will allow LW to request the modem to open a port when needed. Port forwarding is manually opening a port so it's always open when LW is open. (UPnP isn't always reliable depending on brand, etc.)
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