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Old December 7th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Retards
Dear Dim Bulbs,
We know that we should have to take our shoes off and bow down to the "forum gods" for their infinite wisdom, and sarcasm. The part that you just do not seem to understand, is that we actually DO NOT want to have to deal with you, like AT ALL!!
We would actually prefer to deal with the other pinheads, at Slimewire, the people whom we actually paid our "ONE TIME FEE" to.
We would like an actual email address and a phone number, to resolve issues, like double billing, or other "BUSINESS" or operation issues, without having to deal with volunteers and amateurs, with their greater than thou attitude.
If this was Microsoft, or any other company that you pay money to, do you think there is a forum there? No, you actually get to talk to a person who is "employed" by the company, not some overbearing "moonie" incapable of actually getting anything resolved.
If your forum was a fan based, little club of wierdo's, well that would be fine, but to be defaulted to here, and have to try to BUSINESS, with you louts, is staggering in it's incompetence.
Please, if you need to be really clear on this, have an adult read this to you s-l-o-w-l-y, very s-l-o-w-ly!

Lord of the Retards
If you were so smart why are you asking for help? Also what are you 5 years old?
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