Thread: Jerry *****
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Old December 10th, 2006
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Thank you for downloading & using Phex (click on link). Unfortunately you can't mention copyright files on this forum.

Also, LimeWire does not load files onto any server for people to download other than the limewire program on their site. The files you find on the gnutella network are files being shared by people like yourself. After all, this is peer to peer, sharing from one person to another. There's many gnutella programs & you have happily posted in the Phex section of these forums so I presume you're using phex right? If not, get it now ... click the link I gave in my 1st sentence. Welcome to Phex. Please use it wisely.

Also, this is not a request site. Particularly for copyright files. Did you forget to read this when you signed up to this forum: Forum Rules (click here)
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