Hi Steven...
I did the Pro sign in umpteen times but because I changed my email address I had no access and so I had to start over again.
In saying that, I sent my new details to Limewire but the details hadn't been changed tho I did receive confirmation back to say my details had been updated. All that aside, Limewire still did not accept my new email addy.
I made contact again re changes and I also asked why we had to keep paying 6 monthly. I do now understand now but I do not agree with the charges. Anway to add, I paid for another 6 months a few days ago but I cannot see any changes to the way LW looks nor can I see any advantages!
I was able to sign in after the purchase or the other curt option suggested to me "was to join the LW freebie.." You see when I made my enquiry as to why we had to pay six monthly I did get a rather curt email back suggesting LW does not give out free software which I did not ask for and found the suggestion insulting.
I also asked if I may purchase a CD of LW and I was also told there was never a CD offered but when I checked my documentation, there was suggestion but I decided not to argue with this person.
So I guess I am a little disgruntled and my reasoning is this. I can not find any movies that I want to download and if I do they're generally not the real thing or only part of or something completely different.
As suggested I downloaded the Bitz thing but it knocked my puter around, which I'm not sure as to why? Not only this, our Pro or Free clients of LW are not sharing their files, sure they download what they want, then shut down completely, so we are not given access. The other reason given is that we are not obliged to have access because of the licensce scenario etc, etc.
Also our LW counterparts only allow limited upload speeds so it takes three or four days to download a movie AND THEN it's usually a blob!! For instance, ********...I finally downloaded it after 4 days and I might add it took weeks to find a file but when I began to play it for my grandson, it was a French Porn show, my grandson was only 7 years old and to me that was an absolute disgusting disgrace. I was so upset but I am also thankful he didn't get to view it, my response has never been faster...some might think that this is funny, but it's not, it's serious!!
If we are Pro supporters of LW (paid members) why are we not being given some special preferences. How often do we need tech support? The only reason I emailed them was to change my email address intitially but otherwise I really haven't used the service.
Sorry I am generally easy to get along with but I feel a little cheated in a way, maybe it's ignorance, if so then albeit. I would be interested in veiws from other LW Pro's.
I haven't said all this to be an angry ant it's just because I feel a little let down. I am a genuine person not out to point fingers or be offensive or whatever but are there any other disgruntled members or am I it

To date everyone has been great with their help and I really appreciate your kindness, I really do...I won't name the movies I want but but both are just not available, can't find em...I'm worried about using the bitz program again tho I did make 1 report and bitz said mine was the first one with comments...so I felt chuffed about that...
Anyway thanks guys n gals...you have all been great...
Cya Lil...
Originally Posted by StevenJCarline Actually I purchased over 6 mo ago and i have downloaded it again and again and again ( I have this issue with getting anoyed and wiping my puter lol) I simply click on "get pro" and go to the registration page in the upper right hand corner is a link that says "already paid?" I click on that and enter the e-mail i used durring registration.... |
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