Thanks a million for your help. I tried doing some of them things, but couldn't find an exclusion list in my anti-virus software (I use Sophos anti-virus), and I couldn't understand a lot of the other things that it said to do. I tried the test on and it said 'your test worked'. I also tried downloading a link from but it said that there weren't enough sources, and then it said that it was waiting for stable connections, but nothing happened. I'll try to answer some of the following quests, but I prob won't know the answers to most...sorry! Also, I just tried searching for some of the songs that I found last night, and I haven't been able to find any of them today - it just keeps searching but doesn't find anything, even though I got results when I did the exact same thing last night. I'm v.confused!!!!
1. OS version? Windows XP
2. What firewalls you have? I don't know?? That's what I'm trying to figure out - I even uninstalled my anti-virus programme, and there was still a brick wall in front of the globe!
3. How much ram? 256mb
4. Hard Disk space available? I don't know if this is the c: drive or d: drive? but I've 17.2gb on the local disk (c: ) and 1.05gb on the backup (d: )
5. Connection type? Broadband
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers? Sorry, I haven't a clue!
7. Where are you trying to connect from (house, appartment complex, school, student accomodation, work, etc.)? Student accomodation
8. What version of LimeWire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version. - Limewire 4.12.6, Java1.5.0_06
9. Who is your ISP provider (Internet Service Provider)? I don't know!
10. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there? It said 'your test worked'.
11. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? If yes, please give details of set up. Don't know what this means
12. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user. First try
13. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? Yes, it even stayed there after i uninstalled my anti-virus programme.